[Free Download] 7 Financial Mistakes That Cause Nonprofits To Lose Grant Funding

Dear Executive Director,

Would you agree that running a grant-funded nonprofit organization has become increasingly tough in recent years?

I’m sure you’ve felt the pressure…

On top of working to secure sufficient funding, you have to operate with limited resources that can make it difficult to fulfill your mission…

Not to mention staying on top of the ever-changing grant requirements and compliance regulations that grant-funded nonprofits must navigate.

As a CPA who specializes in helping grant-funded nonprofits strengthen their financial management, secure more funding, and stay compliant with complex regulations…

I understand the unique challenges you face when running your organization.

The truth is, one of the biggest obstacles to your organization’s success is not just finding funding—it’s ensuring that you keep it.

The most frustrating part? Many nonprofits are unknowingly putting their funding at risk by making common mistakes like inaccurate financial reporting or failing to meet grantor requirements.

In fact, after working with nonprofits, I’ve identified 7 financial mistakes that could be jeopardizing your funding…

The problem is, most of the executive directors I talk to have no idea that they are making one (or more) of these critical errors…

That’s why I wrote my latest book…

7 Financial Mistakes That Cause Nonprofits To Lose Grant Funding


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